Most senior marketers aspire to be high-valued, credible, and confident business leaders. As the voice of the customer, marketing should play a key strategic role at the top table. But the odds are against us.

Challenges faced by senior marketers

Many senior marketers are undervalued. Most notably in sales-driven businesses, marketing is often the last function to be informed when a new product is being brought to market. As a result, the role of marketing is limited to lead generation campaigns, when really it should be playing a strategic role.

Sadly, in these organisations, marketing is perceived as a luxury for the good times. At the first sign of an economic downturn, the marketing budget is the first to be cut.

With all these challenges to cope with perhaps you will not be surprised to learn that in a recent poll of senior marketers, over 80% admitted to suffering from a lack of confidence or Imposter Syndrome.

To compound matters too many marketers are so busy ‘heads down’ delivering, they rarely think ‘heads up’ strategically. Working flat out to deliver results, senior marketers struggle to find opportunities to be inspired, and develop new approaches to marketing challenges.

Cue the Marketing Leaders Forum

Having trained and coached over 4,000 marketers across five continents over the last 20 years, Quentin Crowe FCIM, MA has developed and refined the Marketing Leaders’ Forum to help senior marketers build confidence and credibility.

Once a quarter, groups of eight marketers gather in person for half a day to share marketing best practice and solve each other’s key challenges. The ‘mastermind’ peer group provides inspiration, motivation, and accountability for each member.

Mastermind Group

The sessions begin with a ‘check-in’. You will provide an update on your progress and share the key challenges you are facing.

INSPIRATION - This is followed by an inspiring presentation about a key marketing trend. As well as keeping up to date, you will learn from best practice in other sectors, enabling you to be more strategic in your thinking.

MOTIVATION. – If you have been struggling to solve a key challenge, the ‘Issue Process’ that follows is a game changer. You will share your no. 1 challenge with your peers who will provide new ideas for you. Most importantly they will spur you on to action.

ACCOUNTABILITY - You will also set goals for the forthcoming quarter and share them with your fellow members. You will learn how to identify and measure ‘process’ goals that will ultimately deliver your ‘lag’ goals. Between sessions, you will update your progress with your accountability buddies.

What members are saying

"This is not your typical mastermind group! Yes, there is the opportunity to connect with other business leaders and develop beneficial technical skills. But what I have found invaluable about my experience with QU is how the facilitators explore the interplay between my professional and personal development in the sessions - an area that is often overlooked but is front of mind for many entrepreneurs.

Banasa W

I hadn't truly realised the benefits of being part of a Mastermind group. When I first attended QuCo, I immediately felt welcome and realised the power of sharing one's story within a trusted and safe environment. We had the opportunity to freely discuss topics that were close to our hearts, both professionally and personally, and receive and share feedback, support, and words of wisdom. This allowed us all to have perspective, focusing on personal and long-term goals. It was personally insightful, to learn more about myself and others, and have the chance to build new relationships with individuals that share similar stories, industries, and passions.

Vittoria T

The masterminds Quentin leads are the coming together of some brilliant minds and I always leave the sessions filled with optimism for our industry, as well as ideas, ways to solve problems, and a growing network.

Personally, some of the previous sessions have given me structure on what I want to achieve in life, one session even helped me to decide to buy a dog!

Professionally, Quentin has been instrumental in helping me to have the confidence to move from a company I was at a long time to a new challenge, this has paid off in a great way.

Alex L

What’s in it for you?

QUCo exists to help senior markers and executives like you to ‘unleash your destiny’.

As part of the Marketing Leaders Forum, you will accelerate your career so that you have greater impact, influence, and confidence.

Ultimately, you will play a key strategic role in the growth of your organisation, and you will be rewarded accordingly.

What next?

Joining the Marketing Leaders Forum takes three steps.

Step 1Book a Taster Session – click here.

Step 2Application. If you enjoyed the experience and would like to join a group – Click here to apply now

Step 3Get starter - once approved, you will be allocated your group and issued all relevant joining instructions



  • Senior Corporate Marketers
  • Marketing Agency Founders
  • Specialist Marketing Consultants

What’s included:

Membership includes a range of activities and resources.

Peer Group Meetings

In-person ½-day meetings. These sessions include an ‘Issue-process’ where members share solve each other’s marketing challenges. Four per year.

Marketing Masterclasses

Specialist speakers provide updates on latest marketing issues. These sessions are broadcast live and recorded. Members are challenged to develop their own signature talks to present at these masterclasses. Four per year.

Online Resource

Useful marketing templates, book summaries and video content.

You will also be invited to the QU annual conference and have access to an extensive array of checklists, videos, and other online resource.


QU also specialises in executive coaching. You can choose from structured, semi-structured or bespoke coaching programmes. You can include coaching as part of the silver and gold programmes or as a stand-alone offering.

If you have a larger team, QU also offers full training workshops. Core topics include finance for marketers, marketing strategy, customer experience (Cx), and Stakeholder Management. You can choose to include workshops as part of the gold package or as a standalone offering.


You can choose from three membership packages – standard, silver and gold.

Standard Package:

  • Bi-monthly half-day meetings
  • Annual conference
  • Access to membership portal with online tools

Silver Package (in addition to the above)

  • 6 x 90-minute 1:1 coaching sessions

Gold package (in addition to the above)

  • 2 full day team workshops


The Leadership Forum is designed to benefit both employers and individual marketing leaders


  • Cutting edge insight - the latest marketing trends.
  • Gain competitive advantage - transfer of best practice from other sectors.

Individual Members

  • Keep abreast of the latest marketing technology
  • Build network
  • Opportunity to build personal brand

Book A Consultation

with Quentin Crowe

Book an online no-obligation chat with Quentin to:

  • Discuss your current goals and challenges
  • Explore your options
  • And get practical tips and advice

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